
Redesigned SAT Summer Camp

As you may know, The State of Michigan has changed its standardized test for high school students. Instead of the ACT, Michigan students are required to take the new redesigned SAT test starting Spring 2016.

Educare has designed this program to introduce students to the new test in a friendly and easy way to ensure their previous test-taking skills are not lost. The course will provide students with an overview of the new test; its design , subjects tested , and how to generally get a better score. Many comparisons will be drawn between the new test and previous examinations to keep the material engaging and familiar.

Our tutors will work for over 2 months with students to ensure them a better academic success. Class meets twice a week, Monday and Wednesday 11 A.M. until 1 P.M., and it will start on Monday June 22nd and end on Wednesday August 19th.

Registration is now open!

For more information, call 3132586999 or email info@educaremi.com


SAT Flyer
Redesigned SAT Summer Camp
SAT is the new State high school exam?

On January 7th, Parents & school officials were freaked out after the announcement was made by the State of Michigan about the upcoming change to the State high school exam. Michigan State students’ will be required to take the SAT instead of the ACT starting in spring of 2016. What does this announcement means? And how it is going to affect the college admission process?
Today’s 10th graders will be the first to take the new redesigned SAT exam to fulfill their state high school exam. However, would that affect their college admission? Many university officials have explained that the change will have a minimal impact on their admission regardless of the change. Universities have been accepting both ACT and SAT scores provided by students. The college admission application is a collective of high school performance, ACT or SAT score, letters of recommendation, applicant’s personal statement, and extra-curricular activities.

As a conclusion, students can still take the ACT exam, however they will have to pay the cost for it. In addition, students who are taking ACT preparation courses shouldn’t consider that a waste of money as they still have the ability to choose which score to send to their college.

Hussein M Hachem
Educare, Managing Director


Registration is now open for our Reading Comprehension & Math Summer Program

Tutoring Program

Educare introduces a new SAT* Tutoring Program to help students prepare for the new redesigned test.

Distinguished Service Award

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